I am a writer and television producer, a screenwriter and a script consultant. My first novel, The Porcelain Maker, is out now in hardback. I live in Hampshire with my partner, my daughter and a three-legged wonder-hound named Martha.

For over 25 years I have worked as a television producer, working with wonderful teams and any number of briliant people. From the iconic Clive James On TV and the excitement of the early years of Big Brother, right through to the rural idyll of Country House Rescue, I've been tremendously fortunate with many of the projects I've made and the lovely people I've worked with. Special mention through much of this must go to my friend and mentor, Walter Iuzzolino, a lovely man and a divine force of nature.  In recent years I have made forays into script consultancy and screenwriting, on dramas such as Professor T (ITV) and Before We Die (C4) which is something I hope to do more of down the line.

I am currently in the process of writing my second novel THE SEEKER OF LOST PAINTINGS. Watch this space…
